Normally the Botswana Govt. Ministry of Education School’s calendar is followed with minor changes to suit our needs. Term 1, 2015 starts on the 13th January 2015 [Tuesday] at 07:00 sharp.
It is the policy of the School to encourage and facilitate direct communication at all levels within the school so as to enable the establishment of sound education policies and to solve problems as quickly as possible. Parents are encouraged to communicate with teachers on a regular basis and to attend consultation days each term to see the children’s work and to talk to teachers. Parents, staff and learners are always welcome to discuss problems and/or solutions with the Head Teacher and the Deputy Head teacher.
Parents are strictly not allowed to disturb the teachers during teaching and afternoon activity time. The most suitable time to talk to the class teacher is between 14:00 – 15:00 hours on any working day provided you have fixed an appointment with the teacher.
Homework is considered an essential part of the daily programme. Every pupil must do the set homework conscientiously and hand it in on time.
Pupils’ progress is continually monitored. This is done through continuous assessment and term end tests. The teacher and the Parent will be meeting at the end of Term consultation days to discuss the child’s academic progress report.
Reports for pupils are issued on a regular basis at the end of every term, after the consultation session.
Promotion to the higher grade depends on the quality of the grades a pupil received during the previous year. There is no automatic promotion to the higher grade.
Teachers may make appointment to see parents concerning the progress of pupils at any time during the year. Parents must feel free to do likewise.
AFTERNOON ACTIVITIES: All pupils are expected to participate in at least two sporting activities and two clubs.
At the end of the school day, no child is allowed to walk home unless written arrangement is made with the school administration.
Time Table during the whole year. The school day commences at 07:10 am and the last period ends at 13:30 hours. All students must be in the school before 07:00 am.
25 minutes tea break and 30 minutes lunch break during the day. Afternoon study starts at 14:00 hours and afternoon activities start at 15:00 hours. The school day ends at 16:30 hours.
No afternoon study and afternoon activities on Fridays. Hence school ends at 13:30 hours on Fridays.
It is essential that your child has sufficient breakfast and that s/he brings to school an adequate lunch. We encourage all pupils to eat and drink what is healthy and nutritious.
In order to create an atmosphere conducive to learning, a high standard of discipline in matters of conduct, tidiness, punctuality and absences should be maintained.
It is very important that pupils arrive at school 10 minutes before the first bell to have enough time to prepare for the day. Any child coming late to school and without proper explanation from the parents is booked for detention.
Lateness is treated seriously as this disrupts lessons and is unfair to pupils who always arrive on time for school.
Pupils who are absent from school for any reason must produce a letter of explanation from parents or guardians. Parents are asked not to take children out of school for holiday trips during the term.
Parents must feel free to discuss problems pertaining to leave with the Head Teacher.
The school is in process of changing the school Uniform. Please avoid buying any new item of the current uniform until our next update to you. Sports uniform will remain the same. No change in shoes and socks also.
All pupils are expected to be in their respective ‘House’ sports uniform during sporting activities: Masire House: Red golf T-shirt, navy blue shorts and white sports shoes.
Khama House: Light blue golf T-shirt, navy blue shorts and white sports shoes.
NB: Parents should not buy the sports uniform until they know which house their child belongs to. Subject to suppliers notice, From 2015, The school will be selling the uniform. All the items of the child must be marked with the child’s name to avoid loss of articles. The school expects all the pupils to be smartly dressed [With polished shoes] at all times.
Make up, jewellery, hair extensions, hair pieces, coloured hair and extravagant hair styles are not permitted. Free hand, no braid at all. Hair should be tied neatly at the back with black/navy blue/white band.
Pupils are not allowed to bring any cash money, cellular phones and pieces of jewellery or any expensive/dangerous toy to school. The school will not be responsible for theft or loss of any of your child’s belongings. Strictly no cell phones to school, since it distracts the child from studies.
Parents must ensure that their pupils bring two A4 hard covers [288 Pages] and a file for each subject. Each pupil must have a mathematical set and a scientific calculator.
All textbooks remain the property of the school, if borrowed. Parents are expected to replace the textbook in the event of loss or damage by the child.
Pens, pencils, crayons, rubbers, felt tip pens, sharpeners, 30 cm rulers, two ring binder files (with file dividers) etc. must be provided by the pupils. It is essential that all pupils bring them to school every day.
All pupils are expected to contribute 2 reams of lined paper [for the whole year use] on the very first school day of the first term.
DETENTION: For minor offences like occasional late coming without parents/guardians explanation, shouting in the school, running in the corridor, not doing the homework etc.
SUSPENSION: Any one who is detained three times. Habitual late coming, fighting in the school, abusive and vulgar language, stealing etc.
EXPULSION: Any one suspended three times. Damaging school property, non-payment of the school fees on time.
No sick child should attend school. The class teacher must know the medical history of the child if he/she is asthmatic, epileptic, etc.
Children with infectious diseases are not allowed to attend the school.
All parents are expected to update the school bursar (in writing) of any change in your telephone/cell phone number, postal address, physical address or change in your work place, in order to contact you in emergency.